The SOLID principles are fundamental guidelines for software developers to create scalable, maintainable, and robust code. When applied to JavaScript, these principles can help the developer prevent bugs and make the codebase more understandable. Today, we will be exploring the SOLID principles in JavaScript and how they can be used effectively.
Here’s a snapshot of the key points that we are going to cover:
- Exploring SOLID Principles in JavaScript: Gain an overview of the foundational guidelines in software design for producing robust JavaScript.
- Single Responsibility Principle: Understand this design principle that encourages each part of your JavaScript code to have one task.
- Open-Closed Principle: Learn about the concept of writing code that is open for extension but closed for modification
- Liskov Substitution Principle: Deep dive into this principle that ensures objects in a program can be replaced with instances of their subtypes.
- Interface Segregation Principle: Discover how this principle urges the segregation of large interfaces into smaller, more specific ones.
- Dependency Inversion Principle: Unearth this practice that stresses on dependencies on abstractions, not on concrete details.
In adherence to these principles, we pave our way towards crafting maintainable and efficient code in JavaScript.
- Exploring SOLID Principles in JavaScript
- Going In-Depth: Single Responsibility Principle
- What Does the Single Responsibility Principle Involve?
- How Does it Apply to the Car and CarDAO Classes?
- How Does SRP Benefit System Design?
- What Happens if Business Logic Changes?
- What if the Database Needs Modification?
- What Does Robert C. Martin Say About SRP?
- Are There More Resources for Understanding SRP?
- Unfolding the Open-Closed Principle
- Diving into Liskov Substitution Principle
- Decoding Interface Segregation Principle
- Understanding Dependency Inversion Principle
- SOLID: Crafting Maintainable Code
- Embracing SOLID for JavaScript Development
- Stable JavaScript Mastery
Embracing SOLID for Enhanced JavaScript Development
SOLID principles serve as a roadmap for developers, leading them towards creating efficient code that stands the test of time.
If implemented correctly, these principles can reduce tight coupling in your code, making it more modular and manageable.
Understanding and applying these principles can significantly improve your skills as a JavaScript developer and enhance code quality.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, discuss these principles will help you write better, more maintainable JavaScript.
Exploring SOLID Principles in JavaScript

The Single Responsibility Principle is a fundamental concept in JavaScript. It emphasizes that each function or class should perform just one task.
For example, instead of creating a function that calculates salary and generates a report, it’s best to divide the responsibilities.
Bad Practice | Good Practice |
function calculateSalary(employee) { let salary = employee.hoursWorked * employee.hourlyRate; let report = /*...*/; console.log(report); return salary; } |
function calculateSalary(employee) { return employee.hoursWorked * employee.hourlyRate; } function generateReport(employee, salary) { let report = /*...*/; console.log(report); } |
This method ensures clarity and simplicity in your code.
Another principle essential for writing solid JavaScript code is the Open-Closed Principle. It encourages creating codes that are sturdy yet adaptable.
The Liskov Substitution Principle guides developers to ensure that subclasses can replace base classes without affecting the functionality.
Interface Segregation Principle underlines the value of specificity over generality. Instead of relying on bulky interfaces, create focused ones.
Lastly, the Dependency Inversion Principle recommends high-level modules should depend on abstractions rather than low-level modules.
Adhering to these principles results in cleaner and easily maintainable code. You can read more about it in this comprehensive guide.
Going In-Depth: Single Responsibility Principle

What Does the Single Responsibility Principle Involve?
The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) is a fundamental concept in designing well-structured systems, especially in microservice systems. This principle dictates that a class should only have one responsibility.
How Does it Apply to the Car and CarDAO Classes?
Let’s consider the example of a ‘Car’ class, which has both car logic and database operations. If we need to modify the database logic or car logic, we risk altering the other unintentionally. The solution would be to create two classes.
However, if we add a new property, such as ‘price’, to the ‘Car’ class, we might need to update the ‘CarDAO’ class. So you could ask, what’s the point of SRP here?
How Does SRP Benefit System Design?
In this scenario, SRP enables separate evolution paths for distinct responsibilities. When applying SRP, changes in business logic would only affect the ‘Car’ class and not ‘CarDAO’. Each handles its own responsibility without interfering with each other’s operations.
What Happens if Business Logic Changes?
If there are changes in business logic, such as computing a lower sale price after an embarrassing recall, only the ‘Car’ class requires modification. The ‘CarDAO’ doesn’t need adjustment because it’s unrelated to data access.
What if the Database Needs Modification?
If you must switch your database from one service provider to another or from SQL to NoSQL, you only have to make modifications in the ‘DAO’ class. The business logic encapsulated in the ‘Car’ class remains untouched.
What Does Robert C. Martin Say About SRP?
Robert C. Martin states that adhering to the Single Responsibility Principle usually results in smaller, highly cohesive classes. This leads to less simultaneous work on these classes and creates more robust code.
Are There More Resources for Understanding SRP?
If you’re still finding it challenging to comprehend SRP, I recommend watching some explanatory videos on YouTube. They illustrate the concept with straightforward examples which might make it easier to grasp.
Unfolding the Open-Closed Principle

The Open-Closed Principle is a fundamental concept in software development. It suggests that software entities, be it classes, modules, or functions, should remain open for extension but closed for modification.
This principle aligns with the concept of interfaces and concretions in coding. The interface defines what your code should accomplish while the concretion pertains to how your code achieves this.
- Open for Extension: This implies that you can augment new functionalities or build on the existing foundations without changing its source code.
- Closed for Modification: Once the entity is formulated, there’s no need to tweak or refactor the existing code unless bugs emerge.
- Decoupling: When a module uses an interface, it detaches from its concretions – giving you more freedom to modify and upgrade your system.
- Maintainability: This principle allows developers to create adaptable code wherein changes can be made via new additions and not by altering existing base code.
This elemental mechanism enhances robustness and flexibility in your software by preserving original code integrity while also facilitating seamless growth and evolution.
In short, abiding by this principle greatly contributes to the overall design and stability of software systems.
Diving into Liskov Substitution Principle

The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) is a pillar of object-oriented programming (OOP). It aims to fortify the code, ensuring subtypes can substitute their supertypes without any unexpected behavior.
It is built upon three type rules and four behavioral rules. The type rules focus on the method arguments and return types in the subtype, as well as the exceptions thrown.
The first rule states that a method in the subtype should accept a broader range of arguments than its superclass counterpart. This widens the subtyping relation, allowing for flexibility.
Conversely, the second rule asserts that the return types in the subtype should be narrower. This ensures harmony with the superclass’s contract.
The third rule dictates that a subtype method shouldn’t throw new exceptions unseen by the superclass.
“The Liskov Substitution Principle demands supertype compatibility from subtypes, maintaining performance consistency.”
Moving onto behavioral rules, we find they govern preconditions, postconditions, invariants and historical states of methods.
Firstly, they insist preconditions mustn’t tighten in subtypes and postconditions mustn’t weaken. This preserves output correctness while preventing precondition restrictions.
Next, both internal state and history must align with the superclass’s rules. That way we’re sure of maintaining consistency in state changes and integrity guarantees.
An example of LSP violation comes with a Square class inheriting from Rectangle. Although squares are rectangles by nature, if we adjust width when height alters (or vice versa), it catches us off guard when using Square in place of Rectangle.
Decoding Interface Segregation Principle

The Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) is fundamental in JavaScript development. It is about making software easy to modify, enhancing its long-term usability.
ISP revolves around the concept of designing interfaces that are client-specific rather than general-purpose. It encourages creating multiple, smaller interfaces.
Applying ISP in JavaScript
Think of an interface as a contract between the software components. In JavaScript, this principle can be implemented using object-oriented programming concepts.
Let’s say we have a ‘Car’ class with methods related to its overall functionality. But not all cars will need all methods.
Sector Specific Interfaces
In an instance where one car might only require a ‘start’ method, another might need ‘start’, ‘lock doors’, and ‘auto pilot’ methods.
The solution? Using ISP, we separate these into smaller interfaces – each specific to a type of car’s needs.
This modular approach aids in managing code complexity and enhancing maintainability, essential factors in sustainable software development.
Bridging ISP and Real-Time Systems
Now, consider companies like Geek Hideout specializing in real-time systems. They employ high-performance drivers requiring robust and efficient code handling.
Implementing ISP here offers more clarity, optimizes workflow, and reduces potential errors during the development process. It essentially provides a richer user experience.
Another advantage lies in making changes or adding new features. With ISP, you don’t have to worry about disrupting existing functionalities.
This principle promotes adaptability and effectiveness in your JavaScript coding journey. It’s like having tailor-made solutions for special needs while preserving system integrity.
Understanding Dependency Inversion Principle

The Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) is a design strategy used in programming to create loosely coupled components. This technique helps to simplify testing and module replacement, causing less disruptions to the entire system.
GitHub’s Usage of Principles
Platforms like GitHub use similar concepts, such as the Open-Closed Principle (OCP), which keeps modules open for extensions. This approach enhances the flexibility and maintainability of the software.
This utilization of principle by GitHub ensures that their `repo` module remains easy to extend without modifying existing codes. Allowing for the creation of new plugins enhances productivity and customization.
Comparison of DI and DIP
Dependency Injection (DI) and DIP share a common objective but employ different techniques. While DI provides dependencies from an external source, DIP establishes abstraction between modules, thus reversing their dependencies.
This difference means that while DI focuses on supplying dependent objects from outside, DIP focuses more on structuring higher-level modules to reverse dependencies.
Benefits of Dependency Inversion
Embracing DIP fosters the application of SOLID principles, leading to a refined codebase. It promotes simplified testing and hassle-free replacement of modules without causing a ripple effect through your entire system.
An exciting detail about DIP is its role in enhancing sustainability in your codebase. Through the construction of loosely-coupled components, it ensures consistency and longevity in software development projects.
For more technical insights into these concepts, you can check out this source.
SOLID: Crafting Maintainable Code

Many wonder what clean code really means. In essence, it’s about providing clarity and maintainability.
Renowned challenges include coming up with appropriate names and avoiding pitfalls in coding practices.
A key concept to grasp in coding is abstraction. Every line of code we write encapsulates, generates, and communicates abstractions.
The ‘tower of abstraction’ metaphor depicts technology’s complexity. The foundation is hardware mechanisms depended upon for computations.
Integrated circuits are the next layer, followed by machine code, assembly, and the operating system. Right at the top, you find the browser and JavaScript runtime.
The appearance of fragility is due to each layer’s reliance on the functionality of those beneath it. The tower stands precariously upright as it grows.
When we code, we are adding layers to this tower. Our users sit above us, employing our creations for their purposes.
These users may be programmers designing more complex layers or end-users interacting through a simplified user interface.
Our job as coders is to build on these foundational elements with our own abstractions. This is how we talk about clean code within the software industry.
When we say our software is reliable and usable, we are using abstract concepts that need further exploration.
In subsequent chapters, we’ll unpack JavaScript’s inner workings and examine what each syntax element means for our programming endeavors.
We aim to fully understand clean code in all its layered glory – from individual lines of readable text to well-constructed and trustworthy architectures.
We’ve established a solid groundwork by scrutinizing crucial principles underlying all the code we produce. The goal is clear and human-readable expressions of intent.
To achieve this, we must understand user needs and the problem domain. Creating clear abstractions allows users to handle complexity.
The specific attributes of clean code – reliability, efficiency, maintainability, and usability – will guide our study of JavaScript’s many facets in upcoming chapters.
Embracing SOLID for JavaScript Development

The SOLID principles are a key part of object-oriented programming. They guide developers towards producing code that’s easy to understand, adaptable, and manageable.
Adopting the SOLID principles in JavaScript can improve code quality and promote collaboration amongst developers. The principles are as follows:
SOLID Principles | Description | Benefit |
Single-responsibility Principle | Each class should have only one job. | Makes code more readable and testable. |
Open-closed Principle | Classes should be open for extension but closed for modification. | Promotes flexibility and extensibility in software design. |
Liskov Substitution Principle | Derived classes should be interchangeable with base classes. | Fosters code reusability and class substitutability. |
Interface Segregation Principle | Clients should not depend on interfaces they don’t use. | Avoids unnecessary complexity in code design by creating specific interfaces for each client. |
Dependency Inversion Principle | High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. | Promotes a more flexible and decoupled system structure. |
Understanding and applying SOLID principles in JavaScript coding practices. |
You can learn more about these principles on this source.
A good example of implementing SOLID principles in JavaScript is demonstrated through the ‘DisplayPerson’ class.
Stable JavaScript Mastery
Understanding and implementing the Solid principles in JavaScript profoundly enhances code robustness. Thoroughly leveraging these principles, including Single Responsibility, Open-Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, and Dependency Inversion, aids in crafting resilient applications. It improves maintainability, flexibility, and scalability, thereby contributing significantly to project longevity and efficiency.